The Stone That Spoke

Forthcoming Project for 2024

This video installation, developed from the experiential performance of the same name, features three Ukrainian artists finding inspiration in Hastings Castle and in the stones below it on Hastings’ shore that prompts their exploration of the journeys of medieval women from their city of birth.

Elizabeth Isadora, Catherine Rajhans and Anna Smirnova explore Kievan Rus princesses Anastasia, Elisiv and Anna of Kyiv who travelled Europe 1000 years ago.

The performers had not been aware of these inspirational female travellers before they left Kyiv in the Russian conflict of 2022. The women feel connection in their present landscape to the many areas in Europe linked to their medieval forebears.

These places are, after all, lands that, in an unpredictable world, the performers might one day find themselves calling home.